Monday, January 11, 2016

Never Forget

Sometimes you don't have to look far for Joyful moments. I just received a video from my old pal in Canada who is honoring my son who is turning 16 this week. It is a trip down memory lane filled with pictures from their youth, a song that brings tears to my eyes from his best friend, and a heartfelt message from each friend that he made while we had 5 amazing years in their awesome country.

Best friends are the bomb! They know what makes you tick, makes you laugh and keeps you from crying. Well, accept when they do something really mushy that opens the flood gates! Best friends are what make getting up in the morning worthwhile because you know you will never have to face it alone!

Some say the grass is greener on the other side but when you really stop to think about it- the grass is green on your side! It doesn't take much to bring on a smile. It's time, energy, a thoughtful gesture. I am in awe of how magnificent God makes a persons heart when it comes to loving others!

Thank you pal!

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